Responding to a hopeful opportunity
We’re a collaborative of over 25 schools representing more than 23,000 students across New York.
Black Latinx Asian Charter Collaborative (BLACC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to elevating charter schools founded and led by people of color in New York. We represent educators and stakeholders in the community who, through our shared experiences, acknowledge a hopeful opportunity in the sector: community-based schools founded by leaders of color are powerful vehicles for change and progress.
While many local and national organizations seek to advance the interests of public charter schools, BLACC is the only organization specifically supporting the success and growth of new and existing public charter schools led by educators of color in the state of New York.
We work together with local charter schools to ensure the needs of our communities are at the forefront of education reform.
The Case for Racial Equity.
Over 125,000 students of color attend public charter schools across New York City.
96% of students in public charter schools are Black, Latinx or Asian, however only 10% of the city’s charter schools were founded, or are led by, people of color. This inequity is reflected in the traditional public school system – more than 65% of New York City public school students are Black or Latinx – yet their teachers represent fewer than 18%. In fact, one-third of all New York public schools have zero Black or Latinx teachers.
This lack of equity has a tangible and significant impact. Inclusive schools, where leadership and staff reflect the communities they serve, radically alter life outcomes for students of color.
Black elementary students who have one Black teacher by third grade are 13% more likely to go to college, while those who have two or more represent 32%.